Boise Father’s Rights Attorney

Father’s rights may seem like a new term in family law, but it is becoming increasingly popular because more men now want to get equal rights in child custody, child support, and visitation. And that’s where Boise Family Law comes in. We are here to protect the father’s rights and convince the judge and jury, that you, too, have a say in your child’s life.

Parenthood involves the participation of both the father and the mother. But as we all know, the relationship between the parents isn’t always smooth sailing. In many cases, you see that the mother gets custody of the child because apparently, they know best how to raise children.

Well, that notion isn’t 100% full-proof. Fathers matter to kids as much as their mothers. But how will you make sure that you stick to your rights in court and fight for justice? You need an experienced Boise father’s rights attorney by your side who can portray your side of the story and ensure that the court protects your father’s rights and values them.

Now that family law recognizes the importance of a father in a child’s life, it can grant equal custody to both parents, provided it is in the child’s best interest. Our lawyer will find ways to convince the judge that that’s the case with you.

At Bosie Family Law, we understand that it’s difficult to stay away from your child, and you long to meet him. But instead of attempting to forcing your ex, you should seek help from us. Forcing may lead to a restraining order, and that may go against you in court. Let us handle the situation, and we promise to find the right solution for your case.

Table of Contents

Importance of Fatherhood

Do you know that approximately 33% of US children live without their biological fathers? That’s nearly 25 million kids. And according to statistics, children who live without their fathers’ guidance are more likely to live in poverty, be victims of child abuse, struggle in school, engage in criminal activities, use drugs, and go through behavioral and emotional problems.

Imagine getting a call from your ex because she wants you to go to the police to get your son out of jail! You can’t and shouldn’t let that happen in the first place. With a father’s rights lawyer, you can talk about the possible outcomes of custody or child support and find a way to settle the case peacefully.

We aim to restore fatherhood in the lives of as many children as possible. Many studies prove that children benefit when two parents raise them. But in the context of divorce, it often becomes an arm-wrestle where parents go head to head to get custody of their child.

Remember, your child is not a property that you can snatch away from your ex or give away as alimony. You have equal rights to raise him, and we are here to find a peaceful solution. We try various ways to come to common ground with the opposing lawyer and his client so that it’s beneficial for your kid.

Fatherhood is a critical component in a child's development

Father’s rights

Fathers have the same rights and duties as mothers within the context of paternity proceedings or divorce. But you may not be aware of your rights. It is our responsibility to explain these rights depending on your case.

We don’t think that there is any scientific basis that allows mothers to turn the case in their favor. In fact, there are many examples where kids thrived when their fathers were primary caregivers.

We don’t want to demean mothers in any way. Instead, we are just putting the facts in front of you so that you know you have an equal say in your child’s custody or child support.

Following are some of the father’s rights that we fight for:

Child Custody

It’s heartbreaking for any father to lose custody of his child because the judge favors the mother. We will try our best not to let that happen because we believe in equality. “Tender years doctrine” was a strong presumption in the past that said young children were better off if they lived with their mothers. And when a child had lived with her mother for a long time, it became an impossible task for the father to get custody.

Fortunately, that presumption doesn’t exist anymore. But some judges still feel that children should live with their mothers. And they usually lean towards the mother when giving a verdict in the custody case. We can prevent that from happening.

Remember, we are not trying to snatch the mother’s rights from the kid; we are trying to fulfill your rights in court. Our lawyers will make various strategies that prove that your kid needs fatherhood too.

Child Support

Both the father and the mother should be equally responsible for child support. But it doesn’t usually work that way in court. If the mother gets primary custody, the father becomes responsible for child support.

Although the decision may vary from case to case, we see that most cases come out with this verdict. But the problem starts when mothers demand a massive amount from their exes for child support. Some even go to the extent of accusing the fathers of not taking care of the child in time.

These disputes are difficult to come out from because the court may want to favor the mother. Don’t worry; as long as you have our support, you don’t have to pay thousands of bucks every month. You shouldn’t pay for something that you didn’t do.

We can assess the case on the merits of past decisions and tell you the approximate amount that you should pay for child support. Our lawyer will then file the paperwork and take care of court proceedings so that your ex can’t forcefully extort huge sums of money from you.


Suppose you already had a divorce a few years back. The court allowed you to visit your child twice a month. But your ex filed a complaint of domestic violence, neglect, or abuse against you. It’s most likely that the court will take away your right to visit your child on the basis of a false allegation.

This isn’t uncommon in the US. And most fathers, although unwillingly, decide to give in because they are not aware of their rights, and they don’t want to spend time in jail. This is wrong. And we can fight for justice.

We will prove that the allegations are false, and you get the chance to meet your kid as decided by the court earlier. Most cases go unnoticed or provide verdicts in favor of mothers because of the absence of a strong defense.

We can provide that strong pillar upon which your case stands. It’s our responsibility to ensure that your ex can’t accuse you of any false allegations to prevent you from meeting your child.

At Trilogy Law, father's rights is our passion

Contact our Father’s Rights Lawyers

First of all, you need an experienced lawyer to assess your case. Child custody, child support, and visitation are sensitive matters and require a deep understanding of the relationship between parents.

Our law firm has already established a record of success by winning cases in favor of the father’s custody and visitation. In fact, we are experts at settling disputes arising in divorce proceedings, enforcement of child support, and post-decree matters like parent relocation.

Therefore, don’t underestimate your rights. You have an equal right to take care of your child as the mother. Contact Boise Family Law to share your story and let us handle your case. We promise to provide you the justice you deserve.